Yup folks, am leaving town as soon as I can. Am moving to Timbuktu. Why??? My sister-in-law is pregnant again. Help! Help! I am going to have another niece or maybe this time it'll be a nephew...to hug and kiss...to spoil rotten...to buy things for...hmmm...bad news for the pocket and the emotions. Here we go again!
Am just kidding...am thrilled to bits about the pregnancy but as I've stated above, it will not be good for the "belanjawan". Folks, nieces and nephews burrow their way into your heart and your pocket. Your job is to spoil them, to be the irrational voice next to their parents' "by-the-book-I-am-the-drill-sergeant-for-the-rest-of-your-life-pool-cue-up-ass" discipline. You are the cuddle after the "ping" or the "babab" or whatever euphemism used to describe the pinch or the smack on the bottom. You are the extra candy after the "you've had enough", the "it's ok, we'll go there again some other time" after the "you will not be allowed of the house ever again"...well, you get the picture.
Amiera and her papa, hmmm...satu bendera kan (Kelantan), so very the mesra gitewwww!!!!
The small girl and the big "Hello Kitty!"
The first and one and only, Amiera the Bon-Bons...soon to be Kak Miera or as she likes to say "Kak Meela la".
I can't wait to see my new niece or nephew...to my Brother, the Mr Poyos Tahap Dewa Ejamulen Gaban Ultraman Keng Keng Keng Transformer Mamak Cyber...heh heh heh, nice one bro! Love you!