There was a point in time when we toyed with the idea of referring to "Honeyz" with another name. When we called her "honey", she just pricked her ears but didn't give the kind of response that we wanted. Then my hubby wanted to call her "Chelsea". I disagreed as I did not want to start a trend. Well, next thing you know, he may refer to Darling as "Liverpool" and refer to Baby (God forbid!) as "Manchester". But as Honeyz was found at a tom yam stall, we ended up calling her "ramvong". Don't ask me why, but the name stuck.
Anyways, something happened recently which made my hubby very happy and at the same time gave him ample ammo to get back at me for mooting his idea of the name "Chelsea". It was at the beginning of the EPL season, and Chelsea had a game with Hull. Right smack in the middle of the game, guess who jumped onto the table in front of the telly and was avidly following the players and the ball with her paws...Honeyz a.k.a Ramvong a.k.a Soccer Cat. She stayed there for quite some time, transfixed by the moving images. God...another sports fan, sports fans.
Hmmm...this guy's too slow...Hurry up you nut or I'll bite you!
Get the ball you big blundering buffoon!!! You should just let this kitty play, I am sure I'll be able to do better.
Urghhhh!!! The game has gone to the dogs!!! You should just leave it to us cats, we know what to do with balls. We roll them, we pass them around, we bite them, and scratch them, and bite them, and scratch them, and bite them...gimme a ball!!!
hahaha...pandai nyer honey tu tgk bola...