I wonder what these two are up two...partners in crime, Arose and Amira Da Bon Bons.
Gambar lawa di pagi raya, dengan muka sembab sebab tak cukup tido, tak kuasa mak nak pakai baju kurung...jadi capai yang paling selesa, t-shirt oversize dengan skirt. Pas tu, nyammmm, nyammmm!
Nyammmm!!! Nyammmm!!! Sebab ada wakil Pantai Timur kan so menu ada sikit lain la, ada itu nasi berdagang juga, sangat la sedapnya.
Rasanya kerusi ni memang ada ubat tido...sesiapa yang landing sure berdengkur. Auwwwww, it rhymes! I'm such a poet!
"Den tokonang jo kampung...induk, ayah, adek sadoeai...". Cian hubby den, rindu KB la tu, renungan sungguh jauh...jangan risau, tawun dopan kito balik yo. Kalau tak balik nanti ado anak Mok Nab yang lupo caro nak cakap loghat Kelate.
Kerahan tenaga, mencucuk satay untuk hidangan tetamu yang datang...ehhh, macam lagu Raya pulak.
The posse entrusted with the task of ensuring that the satay is well cooked. The fellow trying desperately to suck in his stomach is none other than "Mr Poyore Al Bangla", my cousin Mader. The Yuna look alike is my brother's wife, Sue and the guy with the close cropped hairstyle is my one and only brother, Adi a.k.a Didie a.k.a El-Doyots. And the guy in the black t-shirt is me hubby.
Anybody needs extra luck??? Rub my brother's tummy...ha! Ha! Ha! And the headless figure in the white baju kurung with the blue rose motifs is none other than Arose, she finally ditched the bermudas for something more...ummm...feminine(?).
The satay must be good...judging by the smile on my sister-in-laws face.
The end-product...not bad for our first attempt.
Auwwwwww...adegan romantis di belakang rumah...
Arose's friends came a visiting...Wisa and her brood.
The men having a chat.
Auwwwww...sungguh lentuk gitewwww!!! Jangan tak caya, mamat pakai baju melayu grey tu and the "awek mengancam" in the "baju kurung" are both Chinese...so the very 1Malaysia!!!
Friends and food...just the way "Raya" should be celebrated.
This is not a scene from "Misteri Nusantara" or some other paranormal documentary. It's my hubby tengah main...oppps...tak boleh sebut...
After the last visitor had gome home...the family sat down for a late nite supper and some cake before dragging ourselves to bed. It was a good day.
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