On our way up (the tudung shop was on the top floor of the shophouse), we noticed a shop which we thought was selling high end teak furniture. We decided to check it out on our way out. Surprise, surprise...it's a restaurant cum furniture shop, something akin to Mum's Place. So again promises to come and sample the cuisine one day.
This time Niza the Sunflower beat me to it. She went there the same day for her buka puasa. Bila dengar cerita dia the next day, perasaan I pun meluap-luap untuk try it out. So I took my hubby there one Friday night, just before he had to do his programme (I am married to a penerbit rancangan with klFM, it's one of the 32 radio stations operated by RTM - check out Paparay and Haji World from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm on Fridays. Paparay is mine, Haji World belongs to someone else, a pleasant lady with three beautiful offsprings).
Nice, not to mention expensive, decor. Not quite the place for young, uncontrollable kids. Some of the items on display are breakable and are very-very expensive, so unless daddy has really deep pockets, it should only be visited by mummy and daddy sans children. Of course if you have angels then it should be alright, but if you have a "taufan Katrina" in the making...then as Nabil said "lu pikir la sendiri".
Loads to choose from but decided to settle on the Set B for two (based on Niza's comments, this is suppossed to be good). It has....two plates of white rice, one plate of kangkung goreng cili, two pieces of ayam sunda, one plate of telur goreng dadar, ikan cencaru sambal, sotong goreng kunyit, two bowls of soup of the day (on the day we visited it was soto) and two dessert (sago gula melaka). We then added two drinks...my ribena thingy (have forgotten the name) and something similar to mango lassi for my husband.
Nampak tak betapa penuhnya meja, mind you meja ni can sit 6 people. The yellow green drink in the glass tumbler with the straw sticking out is my husband's mango lassi. The purplish drink in the glass tumbler beside it is my ribena which my hubby demolished!
The Ayam Sunda.
The soup of the day which came with the set. We had soto. When Niza the Sunflower ate there, it was crab meat soup. Sedap...
The ikan cencaru lentik.
The sotong goreng yang sesangatlah "yummy" nya!
Well...what can I say...kali ini BUKAN indah khabar dari rasa...SEMEMANGNYA indah rasa. Husband I sampai tersandar. We could not finish the food. Did not even touch the kangkung, ayam sunda and sago gula melaka. Bukan sebab tak sedap, tapi portion dia besar, so after finishing the rice, the sotong (yang tersangatla sedapnya tu), the cencaru, the telur and the soup there was no space for anything else!
We met the owner, Kak Yani, born in Indonesia, raised in Singapore, living currently in Malaysia. She is very friendly. She said she was surprised that we took the Set B as the portion meant for two can actually feed three or even four (if you are light eaters).
We packed the rest and added one nasi putih. Mana la tau lapar pulak nanti. Kak yani was nice enough to show us around her shop. You can actually go walk through the shop as it sort of has a double enttrance both front and back, both equally well decorated. If you are one of those who prefer to have your meal ala-ala kampung, you can "bersila" all you want in the RM18,000.00 wakaf at the back entrance. Or you can choose any of the elegant teak furniture to rest your derrierre on.
Actually, I wanted to try the "Ayam Penyet" which is a house specialty. But as it is so popular, it was finished by the time we arrived. nevermind, a good excuse to visit "Teak 5" and Kak Yani with her delicious array of dishes again.
While we were there, two men in bush jackets arrived carrying several "balang" of cookies. We were allowed to sample the cookies, named "BIARLAH RAHSIA". Sedap...so we bought a "balang". If you ever find yourself in "Teak 5", get Kak Yani to tell you the story behind the name of the cookie, and buy a "balang". Believe me it's worth every sen of the RM38.00 that you have to pay for it.
So give Kak Yani a visit sometime.
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